Pre-Owned Info

Machine Gun “Consignment” Sales and Dealer Information

We do not ordinarily buy used firearms and then sell them on our web site. We do however, occasionally, buy high quality used guns for a “used firearm” area we call “consignments”. They are not actually consigned guns. We own them. If your gun is not high quality, do not call on us to buy it. If you feel that your gun is worthy of being placed on our pages then you must accept the following process:

A firearm that passes our standards of being on our consignment pages will be posted for sale on our web pages. You must send us the gun and it must be in our possession for us to sell it. We will determine its condition and put a value on the gun. We will buy it from you for approximately 10 percent of the cost we will advertise the item. After it sells, we will send you a bonus so that your final take on the item will end up being 70 percent of the sale price less any expenses. We may reduce it at our will for any reason. All discretion to accept or reject any offer rests on us. From a business standpoint we will of course try to get as much for your gun as we feel it is worth. Our final profit is 30 percent of the selling price plus any expenses involved.

On rare occasions we may buy the gun at a higher purchase rate but not give you a bonus after the sale. The cash price is usually 30 to 50 percent of the price we will advertise it for. This is our basic business profit margin for most used firearms. Obviously you would make more if you could wait for the gun to sell and then take the bonus.

In no circumstances will we pay for a gun before we take possession of the firearm. You must transfer the gun to us on a Form 3 or 4. If you are still in business, holding an SOT, you may have the gun returned to you on a Form 3 as long as it is accepted by and goes through the ATF. We can do this at any time you wish. The only charge is the actual shipping costs back to you (including insurance).

If you sent the item to us on a Form 4, or go out of the FFL/SOT firearm business it is more complicated. In the worst case you may not be able to get the gun back and have to wait until it sells. I suppose we could at your irrevocable direction offer the gun “on sale” for less than it is worth and see if it moves quicker. The only way to get a machine gun back in these cases is to go through your local SOT firearms dealer and get a new Form 4 signed by the appropriate law enforcement officer. This cannot always be assured.

You must accept these terms completely before you send us your gun and we buy it from you.

As an example: You send us a gun and we buy it for $1,000. We would then put it on the web asking $10,000. We sell it and there are no other expenses. After it is sold (and the monies cleared) and the gun delivered and accepted by the buyer, we send you a check for the bonus payment of $6,000. You end up making a total of $7,000. We made $3,000 as profit.

Another example: We decide to liquidate and sell your gun for $8,000. We initially bought it from you for $1,000. You should get $4,600 bonus and we would end up with $2,400.

We have secure storage but anything can happen. If for some reason the building is blown away by a hurricane or subject to other casualty or some other disaster, there is no additional payment as we did not actually sell the weapon.